Carveth logoCarveth Care Centre has been providing quality Long term Care and Assisted Living Services in Gananoque, Ontario since 1965.

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Gibson Family Health Care In The News

  • GSS grad receives help to become a nurse

    Alandra LaFirst is a young woman with a bright future.

    Speaking from her home in Gananoque, the Ontario Scholar’s smile is contagious as she talks about winning the Gibson Family Health Care Nursing Scholarship at her graduation from Gananoque Secondary School (GSS) on June 26.

    “I’m so very grateful, it’s incredible,” she says about the education bursary to help offset the cost of four years in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at St. Lawrence College.

    Speaking on behalf of Carveth Care Centre, a popular retirement lodge and long-term care home in Gananoque, Administrator Brett Gibson notes, “Although all of the applicants from GSS were worthy of this scholarship, our home saw something extra special in Alandra who has been working here as a student dishwasher since last February. We are excited to see what she accomplishes in life and hope she eventually joins our front-line health care team.”

    Started in 2023, the Gibson Family Health Care Nursing Scholarship is a $2,000 education bursary presented annually to a graduate of GSS who is entering a nursing program (Registered Nurse or Registered Practical Nurse) at the university or community college level. To qualify for the award, recipients must have a grade average of 65 or higher. The recipient is selected by a committee of residents and staff at Carveth Care Centre.

    “I’d like to thank the Gibson family for this honour,” the young woman says gratefully.

    Alandra credits her grandmother for making her want to become a Registered Nurse (RN).

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  • 105-year-old Amherstview woman shares secret of long and healthy life

    Violet Storck has lived longer than 99 per cent of the world’s population and she thinks she knows why.

    Talking from a long-term care home in Amherstview where she moved in early June 2024, the 105-year-old is in great shape for her age, thanks to a combination of genetics and behaviour.

    Sitting on a walker near the front door which she watches closely for the arrival of a friend, she says with a laugh, “I’ll be 106 next April if I don’t kick the bucket before then.”

    Sharp-witted and fairly spry except for an arthritic shoulder, Violet credits her long and healthy life to healthy living and exercise.

    “I kind of fell into leading an exercise class which I continued for 25 years,” the friendly woman explains. “I didn’t have any formal training, I just picked exercises according to the person’s age and speed.”

    Although she has outlived her family, Violet still enjoys visiting with friends and believes it was the exercise that contributed to her longevity.

    “I’ve had the sort of life, where when I look back, it has been incredible,” she said with a smile, thinking of the world events she has witnessed.

    Taking a deep breath, she talks about moving to Canada with her parents when she was two years old. When she finished high school in Cornwall, she moved back to England with her parents. She had to wait until the end of WWII before she could return to Canada since she couldn’t find passage on a ship as a civilian. When she finally made it back, she accepted a job at the Toronto General Hospital as a medical secretary. Shortly after that, she met and married her husband and moved to South Africa where they stayed for nine years.

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