health alert medical status noticeHealth Status

The retirement lodge at Helen Henderson Care Centre is in a COVID-19 outbreak which is expected to be over on July 14. Until then, visitors are restricted to Essential Caregivers. Outings and events can continue for the asymptomatic. The long-term vare home has a clear health status. Please visit anytime. 

For more information about our home, please contact:
Director of Care Sue Reynolds: 613-384-4585 ext.240 |
Owner/Operator/Administrator Lisa Gibson: 613-384-4585 ext.222 |
Infection Prevention & Control Lead Faith McGee: 613-384-4585 ext.230 |

Exemplary Level Accreditation for Carveth

Long Term Accommodations

Helen Henderson Care Centre offers a variety of accommodation options. We have basic rooms and private rooms. "Preferred Accommodation" is the term used to describe a room with a private bedroom and bathroom. "Basic Accommodation" refers to the style of rooms that are shared by two residents with a common bathroom.

Long Term Accommodations Photo Galleries

Basic Room

Private Room


The MOHLTC sets accommodation co-payment rates for the province.  The co-payment rates change from time to time (at a minimum, annually in July). For the most up-to-date rates, contact the staff at your local Community Care Access Centre or the Assistant Administrator at Helen Henderson.

If your income is not sufficient to pay for the basic accommodation rate, there is a subsidy available to reduce your accommodation rate, should you qualify. Subsidies are only available for basic accommodation. The home Office Manager can provide a rate reduction application form to residents to complete.If you are moving into a long-term care home and your spouse requires financial assistance to remain in his or her home, there is a government benefit called "Exceptional Circumstances" for people with lower incomes or couples who have to live separately. For more information, contact your local Community Care Access Centre.

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