Carveth logoCarveth Care Centre has been providing quality Long term Care and Assisted Living Services in Gananoque, Ontario since 1965.

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Helen Henderson logoHelen Henderson Care Centre offers seniors and Long Term Care residents quality care and services in Amherstview, Ontario.

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News Room

carveth helen henderson seniors healthcare centresThe latest news features for Gibson Family Health Care or Carveth and Helen Henderson Care Centres.

GSS grad receives help to become a nurse
Alandra LaFirst is a young woman with a bright future. Speaking from her home in Gananoque, the Ontario Scholar’s smile is contagious as she talks about winning the Gibson Family Health Care Nursing Scholarship at her graduation from Gananoque Secondary School (GSS) on June 26. “I’m so very grateful, it’s incredible,” she says about the education bursary to help offset the cost of four years in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at St. Lawrence College. Speaking on behalf of Carveth Care Centre, a popular retirement lodge and long-term…
105-year-old Amherstview woman shares secret of long and healthy life
Violet Storck has lived longer than 99 per cent of the world’s population and she thinks she knows why. Talking from a long-term care home in Amherstview where she moved in early June 2024, the 105-year-old is in great shape for her age, thanks to a combination of genetics and behaviour. Sitting on a walker near the front door which she watches closely for the arrival of a friend, she says with a laugh, “I’ll be 106 next April if I don’t kick the bucket before then.” Sharp-witted and fairly…
Cook to retire from Carveth after 40 years
After 40 years at Carveth Care Centre, Ruth Stevenson is hanging up her whisk and tongs. A cook at the popular retirement lodge and long-term care home in Gananoque, Ruth is retiring in June 2024. “I’ll miss everybody,” says the friendly 67-year-old Gananoque woman. “I’ve enjoyed my time here.” Speaking from the home in mid-May 2024, Ruth remembers her early years fondly. “I worked for Brett’s grandfather and his father,” she says with a smile, referencing the current Administrator, Brett Gibson. “When Brett was little, he used to play hockey…
New PSW recognized for good work
A new Personal Support Worker (PSW) at Helen Henderson Care Centre in Amherstview is making a good first impression. Speaking from the long-term care home in May 2024, Shaya Cameron smiles brightly when informed she is the home’s Employee of the Month for June after only three months of work. “I like the environment and atmosphere here,” says the 39-year-old Collins Bay woman who is married with children and a dog named Jerry Bear. “The staff has been more than welcoming.” As a fairly new graduate, Shaya has only worked…
Nursing home volunteer celebrates publication of first book
An Amherstview woman struggling with depression has turned adversity into opportunity. Speaking from Helen Henderson Care Centre where she has volunteered for more than a year, Jenna Brandt smiles as she talks about using her mental health issues as material for her new book. “I have been writing poetry since I was a teen,” explains the 35-year-old. “This past fall was the five-year anniversary of my suicide attempt and I thought this would be a powerful and positive way to honour and celebrate that I’m still here; that I have…
Health Care Aide bids farewell to long-term care after 38 years
Janette Wheeler is having a hard time leaving a job she loves. Working for the past 38 years as a Health Care Aide at Carveth Care Centre, a long-term care home in Gananoque, Janette retired last month due to health reasons. She was hoping to work for a few more years. “It’s been a really good experience,” says the 67-year-old woman. “This type of work is extremely rewarding. Taking care of people has been my life. It’s hard to step down. I’ll miss the residents and their stories.” Wearing a…
Happiness overflows to residents of long-term care home from family visit
Ernie Lambert is still smiling from his visit to Carveth Care Centre last March. A long-term care home in Gananoque, Carveth is home to Ernie’s father, Bert, who enjoyed a special visit with extended family on March 19, 2024. The visit included a musical performance by Bert’s nephew, J’Ukebox George of Calabogie. “Over the last few weeks during my trip to Ontario, I was at Carveth five or six times to visit dad; I had a great time, “says Ernie from his home on Vancouver Island. “The visit with my…
Students prepare for skills competition
A long-term care home in Amherstview is proudly watching the accomplishments of two student workers who are headed to a provincial skills competition this spring. Speaking from Helen Henderson Care Centre where they work as Dietary Students, Nic Sparkes, 17, and Gracie Locke, 17, are representing their respective schools at the Skills Ontario Competition in Toronto this May. The competition is for students enrolled in elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. There are nine categories at the elementary level and approximately 67 categories at the secondary level which range from…
Local nursing homes approved by Accreditation Canada
A rigorous review of health care practices at two family-owned long-term care homes has resulted in approval by Accreditation Canada. After visiting Carveth Care Centre in Gananoque and Helen Henderson Care Centre in Amherstview, two long-term care homes near Kingston, Ontario, Accreditation Canada stamped them with a high rate of approval for their level of care. “It is a huge accomplishment for a home to be accredited by Accreditation Canada and it speaks volumes about the quality-of-care and services that we provide,” says Angela Gibson, the senior manager who spearheaded…
New Care Coordinator welcomed at Carveth Care Centre
At 47-years old, Lisa Smith is enjoying significant changes in her career as a nurse. Working as a front-line health care worker for the past 14 years at Carveth Care Centre, a long-term care home in Gananoque, Lisa just transitioned from floor nurse to management. “I love working here,” says the popular Registered Practical Nurse (RPN). “I enjoy the residents, families, and the staff. I like helping people and my new position as Care Coordinator will allow me to continue to do that. I’m excited about this endeavour; It’s been…