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Amherstview woman recognized for excellent health care
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Amherstview woman recognized for excellent health care Featured

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A hardworking Amherstview woman has won a workplace award for providing excellent health care to residents at a long-term care home.

Kayla Irish smiles at the news she is the home’s Employee of the Month for January 2023.

Speaking on behalf of the home, Assistant Director of Care Melissa Locke notes, “Kayla is a wonderful addition to the HHCC family. She is mindful of the residents and her co-workers and makes sure everyone is taken care of. Her efforts are appreciated by all.”

“I’m really honoured,” Kayla says about the prestigious award. “I love it here and I love being a Personal Support Worker.”

Kayla has worked at Helen Henderson Care Centre for more than one-year. Prior to arriving at the home, she worked for Extendicare for eight years.

“I’m much happier here,” says the 34-year-old with a smile. “I have worked straight nights for the past 14 years which works out great because I have a two-year-old. Night shift is a bit slower pace and not as rushed. You get more time to talk with the residents. I love spending time with the residents and providing the best care that I can. To make a difference in someone’s life is really rewarding.”

Kayla works the same shifts and schedule as her mother who has worked as a PSW at the home for the past 23 years.


“We arrive and leave together, but we work on different units and never really see each other,” she says with a laugh.

When she’s not at work, Kayla likes to spend time with her family.

Asked to describe herself, she uses words such as organized, outgoing, caring, and compassionate.

“I like to solve problems and find solutions,” she says wisely.

Questions for Kayla

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

“I’d like super speed.”

If you could rule the world on day one, what would you do?

“I’d make sure every animal has a loving home and isn’t hungry or cold.”

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?

“I’d probably be a stay-at-home mom.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Kayla Irish. To learn more about living or working here, please call 613-384-4585.

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