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Gananoque woman retires after 20 years of service at long-term care home
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Gananoque woman retires after 20 years of service at long-term care home Featured

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Barb Sharman’s last day of work yesterday was bittersweet.

On the one hand, she finished 20 years of work as a Personal Support Worker which is hard work, both physically and emotionally. On the other, she had to say goodbye to residents and staff who she loves like family.

“I like Carveth. I like the residents and staff,” says the 65-year-old Gananoque woman on her last day of work on Sept. 13, 2023. “I’ve enjoyed the job and I’m going to miss it.”

As a Personal Support Worker at the long-term care home, Barb provided front-line health care to 104 residents. She moved to the area approximately 29 years ago from Quebec where she worked in the same field.

Asked to describe herself, she responds, “I like to help people. If I see someone in trouble or need, I want to help them. I like to see people happy.”

With more free time on her hands now, Barb is going to work a few days a week at No Frills in Gananoque.

“It’s something to get me out of the house,” she says with a smile. When she’s not working at the grocery store, she can be found fishing, quilting, or spending time with family. She is married with children and grandchildren.

“My husband and I travel quite a bit,” she says kindly. “We’re leaving this week to go golfing with family in the States.”

Speaking on behalf of the home at a retirement party for Barb held that afternoon, Assistant Director of Care Trish Hornbeck notes, “We are grateful for Barb’s 20 years of dedication and hard work. She will be missed. We wish her all the best with her next adventure.”

Questions for Barb

If you could rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

“I’d get rid of hatred. Too many people hate each other and it’s crazy.”

If you had any superpower, what would it be?

“I’ve had cancer and so has my good friend. I would abolish all diseases. That would be a great superpower.”

Carveth Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Barb Sharman these past 20 years. Residents and staff wish her a healthy, happy and fun retirement. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-382-4752.

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