health alert medical status noticeHealth Status

Helen Henderson Care Centre (long-term care and retirement lodge), has a clear health status. Please visit anytime. 

For more information about our home, please contact:
Director of Care Sue Reynolds: 613-384-4585 ext.240 |
Owner/Operator/Administrator Lisa Gibson: 613-384-4585 ext.222 |
Infection Prevention & Control Lead Faith McGee: 613-384-4585 ext.230 |

Exemplary Level Accreditation for Carveth


Due to the ongoing pandemic, regularly scheduled activities or services my be interrupted, rescheduled or cancelled. Please call the home directly with any questions or concerns.

Events at Helen Henderson

  • Start, End, Duration
    Repeat type
    Repeat Interval
    Repeat Count repeats
    Repeat Until
    By Year Day
    Comma separated list
    Count back from year end
    By Month Comma separated list
    By Week Num Comma separated list
    Count back from year end
    By Month Day
    Comma separated list
    Count back from month end
    By Day
    Which Week(s)?
    Count back from month end
    Select Repeat Dates
    Irregular repeat dates cannot be exported at present.