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Staff decorate retirement lodge and nursing home doors for holiday
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Staff decorate retirement lodge and nursing home doors for holiday

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Helen Henderson Care Centre is glowing with holiday cheer.

Located in Amherstview, the accredited retirement lodge and long-term care home has Christmas decorations on every wall and in every corner.

It has been described as a stunning winter wonderland.

Smiling from her office, Activity Director Donna Joudoin is proud of what her department has accomplished this year.

“Everyone is getting very competitive and it really lifted staff morale,” she says about a staff challenge to decorate department doors before Christmas.

“We are very happy to report that we had such a successful door decorating challenge,” says the Activity Director happily. “We had 27 doors decorated by staff throughout the home which is a great response for a new program.”

According to Donna, the home awarded three prizes: Funniest Door, Most Christmacy Door and Most Creative Door.

“We would like to congratulate all of the creative staff who did such an excellent job,” says Donna kindly. “The three winners were Kate Crook (Cook) for Funniest Door; Lynn Baribeau (Registered Practical Nurse) for Most Christmacy Door; and Tracey Kinnear, Colleen Bender, Cindy Neumann and Brenda Knapp (Bath Team) for Most Creative Door.

“We are very excited about the amazing participation and creativity shown by staff,” says the home’s Director of Care, Sue Reynolds.

“The response from the residents was truly wonderful.  The positive engagement and excitement added to the incredible spirit we have with our staff.  Thank you to all who participated and to the residents who had a very difficult task in judging the entries.”

“A huge thank you to the residents who were the best judges ever,” adds Donna. “We so appreciate them.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is incredibly proud of its Activation Department which is gaining provincial attention for its innovative programs conducted EVERY day of the year. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-384-4585.

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