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Local doctor grateful for work/life balance
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Local doctor grateful for work/life balance

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Christine Miller works hard to stay well in order to help care for others.

A doctor in Gananoque and Kingston for the past 23 years, and a proud mother of three adult children, she divides her time between helping residents of two long-term care homes and focusing on her own health and happiness.

“I love it,” the friendly woman says with a smile from Carveth Care Centre where she has worked part-time since November 2018.

“It’s working out well for me,” she says about her reduced workload. “It allows me the extra time I need to care for elderly people while allowing me the time to enjoy those things outside of medicine that I am passionate about. I enjoy practicing yoga; I think it helps me stay grounded. I also hike the beautiful trails here in Gananoque every chance I get. The lookout at Landon Bay is my favourite.”

A proud owner of a Goldendoodle named Fern, Dr. Miller is energetic and active. When she’s not working, she enjoys gardening, rug hooking and staying closely connected with her family and friends.

Known for her friendly personality, Dr. Miller graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree from McMaster in 1985 and a Medical Degree from McMaster in 1990. She then attended Memorial University in Newfoundland for her Family Medicine residency, graduating in 1992. Newfoundland remains close to her heart and she returns there often. In 2015, Dr. Miller completed a Care of the Elderly Fellowship from Queen’s University.

“I like working with the elderly,” she explains patiently. “Knowing the person, their stories and their humour makes medicine come to life for me. They grew-up in a time when the world was very different. It takes a lot of fortitude to remain optimistic and positive with advancing years and the many losses that come with that. I think I gain a lot from them.”

Born in Cambridge, Dr. Miller is well-known in Gananoque from her years of practice as a family physician. She finds pleasure in seeing some of her former patients (from her practice) at the long-term care home. She describes her medical approach as person-based.

“I like to know the person behind the patient. I constantly ask myself, what do they need from me?” she says thoughtfully. "I’m a nurturing kind of person. Sometimes kindness and a listening ear are really all my patients need from me."

Speaking on behalf of Carveth Care Centre and its sister home, Helen Henderson Care Centre, Brett Gibson of Gibson Family Health Care notes, “We are excited to have Dr. Miller return to our homes to provide physician care for our residents. She provides a wealth of experience and a caring way of interacting with the residents. Having a doctor who knows our homes and our vision is a huge asset for our residents.”

“I’m happy to be working in both of the nursing homes,” responds Dr. Miller. “I enjoy meeting new people. I worked hard for that fellowship and it has paid off because I think I am better able to help seniors. I’m more confident in what I’m doing. That extra year of training was really helpful.”

Gibson Family Health Care is grateful for the good work of Dr. Christine Miller. To learn more about living or working in our innovative and compassionate retirement lodges or long-term care homes, please call 613-382-4752.


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