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Homes mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
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Homes mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

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Gibson Family Health Care cares deeply about the health and happiness of seniors.

A family owned and operated business in Amherstview (Helen Henderson Care Centre) and Gananoque (Carveth Care Centre) - Gibson Family Health Care makes the health and happiness of seniors its top priority.

This June 15, both retirement/long-term care homes are marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day by encouraging residents, staff, families and supporters to wear PURPLE. Managers are also sharing information about the importance of elder care and respect.

“World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an important event because it brings to light the importance of treating seniors with the respect and dignity they deserve,” confirms Melissa Locke, Assistant Director of Care at Helen Henderson Care Centre.

“No one deserves to be abused or neglected,” says the manager kindly. “Everyone has the right to a safe & healthy environment and healthy relationships. This day enhances the awareness of elder abuse prevention and intervention. It also educates the public about what elder abuse looks like, and enable them to learn about the local resources and about various caregiving strategies.”

Gibson Family Health Care is proud to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15. To find out more, call 613-382-4752.

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