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Gananoque woman wins workplace award
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Gananoque woman wins workplace award Featured

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A young health care professional from Gananoque has won her first workplace award.

Speaking from Carveth Care Centre where she was worked for the past four years as a Personal Support Worker, Cassandra Carter smiles at the news she is the home’s Employee of the Month for September 2022.

“I was shocked,” the 32-year-old says, happily. “I have worked here for years and it’s a pleasure to win this award.”

Known as a front-line worker with compassion who puts her residents first, Cassandra replies quickly when asked about her job, “I love caring for people. I love making someone smile. If I’ve made someone smile, I can say I’ve done a good job at the end-of-the-day.”

Cassandra finds the home and its people special.

“It’s tremendous teamwork here - I love the people so much. The Activation Department is exceptional. They do a lot of extras for the residents compared to other homes.”

The proud owner of a dog and cat, Cassandra grows her own food for canning and pickling. Her fiancé is building her a chicken coop and the fresh eggs will be a welcome addition to the healthy food she prefers.


“I have my own garden and I love to preserve foods such as jams,” she explains.

Prior to joining the home as a PSW, Cassandra worked as a child and youth worker in a group home setting. She was also an assistant manager at Dollarama.

“I knew I wanted to work with people,” she says about her transition to health care. “Maybe when COVID-19 calms down, I would possibly like to study nursing.”

Asked about other goals, she replies, “I’d like to make my garden bigger and get a few more animals.”

When she’s not working, Cassandra likes to attend concerts, watch dirt car racing (her fiancé is part of the pit crew for the Canadian NASCAR series) and travel.

“I just returned from the United States. It was my first trip since before the COVID-19 pandemic. We traveled to amusement parks during the day and racetracks by night. My fiancé and I had so much fun. I spend a lot of time at the racetrack.”

Speaking on behalf of the home, Assistant Director of Care Lynn Vereecken notes, “Cassandra is extremely good at what she does. She is here for the right reason and was meant to work in health care.”

Pleased with the feedback, Cassandra says, “I love my coworkers. We all work well as a team.”

Questions for Cassandra

If you could rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

“That’s a loaded question…That’s a lot of power. I would give every country, race and sex, equal rights and freedoms.”

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?

“I want to heal people and take sickness away.”

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?

“I would be on a hobby farm or travelling around the world as a hippy.”

Carveth Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Cassandra Carter. To learn more about living or working here, please call 613-382-4752.

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