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Home receives high satisfaction rating
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Home receives high satisfaction rating Featured

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A long-term care home in Gananoque is earning rave reviews from the people who live there.

Almost all the residents surveyed in 2022 at Carveth Care Centre say they are satisfied with the overall care, feel their personal needs are being met daily, and are treated with dignity and respect. Every resident surveyed said they feel safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The home’s owner and Director of Care are delighted with the results.

“A favourite part of my job is to spend time with each resident to hear what we’re doing well and what we could do better,” says Brett Gibson, owner. “Our staff works hard to make life easier for residents. I’m pleased to say these survey results prove we are achieving that goal. We take feedback from residents and families seriously and we will continue to strive to meet their expectations. We are committed to providing compassionate, high-quality health care.”

The home’s Director of Care, Shelley Bender, echoes that statement, “We are extremely pleased to hear that our residents are so happy.  The results of this survey speak volumes for the dedication of all staff, in all departments.  The efforts of the staff are greatly appreciated in ensuring that our residents feel content and happy in their home.”

Residents in the nursing home say they enjoy the programs and music and would like more dancing, shopping, and trips to the casino.

When asked what they like best about the home, they replied: delicious food; clean and comfortable living conditions; fun programs; proximity to family; excellent health care; safe and colourful gardens.

One recommendation for improvement is more 1:1 time with staff and a teenage youth program to work with the residents. Residents also asked for more outings and wider doors.

To learn more about living or working at Carveth Care Centre, please call 613-382-4752.

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