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Home celebrates acts of kindness
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Home celebrates acts of kindness Featured

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Sometimes it’s the little things that make a BIG difference.

Growing on the wall in a nursing home in Amherstview is a tree with more than 150 acts of kindness blossoming from its branches.

Almost everyone who passes the wall, stops and stares.

“There’s a lot of teamwork stuff here which is nice,” says Renée Alaver, an award winning Activity Aide at the home. “You don’t always hear these comments. It’s nice to see them in writing.”

The brainchild of Donna Joudoin, Activity Director at Helen Henderson Care Centre in Amherstview, the tree is a tribute to Canada’s 150th birthday.


“I came-up with this idea because I wanted it to be a morale booster for the home,” explains Donna. “Acts of kindness often take place behind the scenes. I felt this project would help people appreciate the daily acts of kindness here. People are always saying they want to express their appreciation for the kindness they receive. We have shown this through a tree which is designed to commemorate Canada’s 150th birthday.”

Locate outside the nursing home’s chapel and activity room, the tree has messages from residents, staff, volunteers and visitors. It includes comments such as: I’m thankful for the humour in the staff; I’m proud to be Canadian; I appreciate visits by friends; and, I am grateful for kind words by staff.

Many of the comments are heartfelt and simple; representing the power of kindness & compassion.

“We’re very happy with the success of this project,” says Donna with her trademark smile. “The feedback has been extremely positive which is nice because sometimes people have a hard time seeing the positive in life.”

Hoping to reach 150 acts of kindness by Canada Day on July 1, the home exceeded that goal almost one week early. It plans to leave the messages up until its Family Fun Day on July 19.

To be held from 4 to 6 pm, the Helen Henderson Care Centre Family Fun Day is an annual summer party open to the community. It includes games, music and refreshments.

“The 150 Acts of Kindness Tree has been an extremely positive project and has served as a great reminder for our staff, residents and volunteers that acts of kindness do not go unnoticed here,” says Lisa Gibson, Administrator.

“I can’t think of a better way to commemorate Canada’s 150th birthday than to acknowledge the kind nature of our people which we, as Canadians, are synonymous for throughout the world. We hope the community enjoys this tribute to Canada. It’s going to be a pleasure to share this tree at our Family Fun Day on July 19. At Helen Henderson Care Centre, we’re changing the world with a kind heart.”

To learn more about the 150 Acts of Kindness Tree or Family Fun Day (everyone welcome!), please contact Donna Joudoin at 613-384-4585 ext. 224.

 HHCC Family Fun Day

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