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Health care worker recognized for three decades of extraordinary service
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Health care worker recognized for three decades of extraordinary service Featured

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When Sonia Beaulieu started working at a nursing home 30 years ago, her mother gave her advice that has stood the test of time.

“At one point, my mother and two sisters worked here,” says the attractive 54-year-old. “When I first started working here as a Personal Support Worker (PSW), my mother said these seniors could be our relatives and we need to look at them that way. She told me to treat these people with respect and kindness. That thought has always been first and foremost in my mind.”

A regular worker in the long-term care secure unit at Helen Henderson Care Centre, Sonia consistently heeds her mother’s advice. Speaking kindly to residents afflicted with dementia, her compassionate health care brims with patience and respect.

It was these qualities that earned her the home’s Employee of the Month for August. The award was presented by Angela Gibson, Assistant Administrator.


“It amazes me that after working at Helen Henderson Care Centre for more than 30 years, Sonia continues to show exceptional work ethic, a caring attitude and loyalty and dedication; not just to the residents, but the Gibson family and the home as a whole,” says the senior manager gratefully.

“Sonia has an extraordinary capacity for caring,” adds Sue Reynolds, Director of Care. “Her commitment to this home is remarkable and her impact on residents and families is immeasurable. She is a true leader.”

“It’s fair to say I love my job,” explains Sonia, pleased with the recognition. “I enjoy the seniors. You can learn a lot from them. I respect them.”

Born in Northern Ireland, Sonia moved to Canada when she was 11 years old. Seven years later, she met the man who would become her life partner. For Sonia, it was love at first sight.

Smiling at the memory of those early years, Sonia is clearly happy with the choices she has made in life. Nearly 40 years after meeting her husband, she is happily married in Amherstview where she has a close relationship with her two children and granddaughter who live nearby.

“My daughter is a PSW for Extendicare and my daughter-in-law is a nurse here,” she says with a laugh about the field of work her family continues to pursue.

Describing herself as patient, approachable and reliable, Sonia is known for her trademark smile and positive attitude.

“I’m very happy, life is good,” she admits charmingly. “I think this home is very special. The owners are involved in the day-to-day operation and are very respectful of staff. It’s a great group here; a very kind and loving staff.

“I find management offers a lot of in-house education which makes it a better environment for all involved.”

After performing more than three decades of front-line health care, Sonia is impressed with the progress in the nursing home.

“Residents have a better quality of life now,” she acknowledges. “Care is now geared to the individual’s needs opposed to everyone getting the same thing. That’s what I see happening here and it’s better for the residents.”

Clearly still enjoying her work, she admits retirement is not in her immediate plans.

“I’m not thinking about that yet,” she says kindly. “I still like doing what I’m doing. I still like coming to work.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre appreciates the kind and gentle care of Sonia Beaulieu.We are proud to have her as our Employee of the Month for August 2017.

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