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From Poland to Canada, local woman’s journey ends in happiness
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From Poland to Canada, local woman’s journey ends in happiness Featured

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The road that brought Krystyna Sikora to Canada, started in Poland and ended in happiness.

“Every time I go back to Poland, I know I made the right decision to move to Canada,” says the 56-year-old Gananoque woman in the summer of 2017. “Canada is my home now.”

Smiling brightly at Carveth Care Centre, a retirement and long-term care home in Gananoque where she has worked for more than 20 years, Krystyna and her husband uprooted to give their children greater opportunities. Little did she know that she would accomplish that, and more, when she arrived here 29 years ago.

“I didn’t come to Canada to have a career,” she says with a heavy Polish accent, a few days after she was informed she is the home’s Employee of the Month for August. “I came to give my children a better life.”

It was a gamble that paid off.


All three of Krystyna’s children have good jobs, supported by post-secondary educations. It is an accomplishment that brings Krystyna a profound sense of personal satisfaction.

For a mother devoted to her family, her professional accomplishments are icing on the cake.

“I think it’s an honour to be recognized,” says the friendly Activity Aide about her workplace award. “It motivates me to do an even better job. The crossbar is higher now.”

Calling the award 'deserving recognition' for a loyal employee, Administrator Brett Gibson notes, “Everyone in the home knows the pride Krystyna has for Poland, especially during the World Cup of Soccer. Krystyna works hard and never takes herself too seriously. Canada was fortunate to receive a wonderful person when Krystyna arrived from Poland. She has devoted her life to ensuring the health and happiness of others. We see her sacrifices, her strong family values and her loving concern for the people in her care. She is an important member of our Activation team that keeps residents entertained and amused all day long. We couldn’t think of a more deserving person to receive this award.”

Pleased with her work at Carveth, Krystyna takes pride in Restorative Care, a program to help residents remain independent & capable as long as possible. As the lead for the home, her duties include organizing the wheelchairs and matching a chair to a resident when necessary.

“Krystyna is a gifted Activity Aide,” confirms Shannon Buell, Activity Director. “She has an amazing rapport with residents, volunteers and families. She does a great job with the wheelchair program and our Falling Stars Program. She is incredibly organized and very dependable. It is an honour to work with her.”

Pleased with the feedback, Krystyna admits with a chuckle, “I love to organize.”

Grateful to have found a home in Canada and a passion for the Toronto Blue Jays, she describes her feelings for her adopted country. “I like the diversity because I am one (of a cultural minority),” she says with her trademark humour. “Everyone is friendly. I feel safe here. I like the beauty of the country.”

Asked to describe herself, Krystyna uses words such as stubborn, loyal, funny and resolute.

“I’m an outgoing person,” she says with a smile. “I’ve always been that way. I love to make people laugh. That’s what I like about the Activity Department. I’m a people person. I have to be around people. If I make one person smile a day, I go home happy.”

Carveth Care Centre is grateful to have Krystyna Sikora as a member of our Activation Team.

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