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Young nurse has old soul
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Young nurse has old soul

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Megan Peterson is a young woman with an old soul.

Only 26 years old, Megan has been helping seniors for the past two years at Helen Henderson Care Centre.

Looking around the accredited long-term care home on a warm afternoon in August, the Registered Nurse talks about her work helping the elderly.

“The residents have taught me a lot more than I have taught them,” she says kindly. “I like the work. I really do.”

Known for her helpful nature and friendly demeanour, Megan smiles brightly when told she is the home’s Employee of the Month for September. She was nominated by her co-workers in the nursing department.

“Megan has an amazing calmness in the way she works,” says Sue Reynolds, Director of Care. “She is willing to pick-up and carry-on with positivity, insight, compassion and care. We’re grateful to have her as part of our nursing team.”

Hearing this feedback, Megan is pleased with the recognition and thankful for the opportunities at the home.

“I’m learning a lot of management skills here,” she explains happily. “In this role, you have to discipline, instruct and support.”


Completing her final practicum in university on maternity, labour and delivery, Megan’s work satisfaction in long-term care came as a surprise to her.

“I never thought I would work in long-term care,” she admits. “However, this job as been a perfect fit for me.”

Asked to describe what she likes about the work, she pauses before replying.

“There’s more time to get to know the resident and their family dynamic,” she says thoughtfully. “You feel like you’re more of a part of their life. I feel like I’m not necessarily the care provider; I’m more like part of their family. That’s what’s really special about my work. I feel like it’s an honour to be part of their lives, especially when they have 70 or 80 years of experience to share.”

Asked to describe herself, Megan says modestly, “I think I have a calm approach. I also think I wear my heart on my sleeve and I hope it shows in the care I provide.”

Breaking the conversation to help a resident struggling with a personal task, Megan returns quickly with a sparkle in her eye.

“These residents steal a little piece of your heart and pull at your heart strings,” she says softly. “I love to see their joy in their day-to-day activities. They have so much personality. When you get to know them, they make the job incredibly worthwhile. It’s a pleasure just to be in their presence.”

As expected, Megan’s kind nature and consideration for others extends well beyond her job.

The eldest child in a family of three, she is the proud owner of a dog and a skilled hockey player in the women’s recreational league.

She is close to her family and is proud to be the second person in her immediate/extended family to graduate university.

“My parents are very proud of me,” she explains.

Asked what makes this home special, Megan is quick to reply. “I think we have that family aspect and I think the departments work well together. It’s a team, but it’s also a family. This environment and approach makes it easier for a resident to settle-in which is important. This home is a great place to live and work.”

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