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Good work of young nurse celebrated
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Good work of young nurse celebrated Featured

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A young nurse at Helen Henderson Care Centre in Amherstview has won her first workplace award.

Kailey Wemp, 29, smiles brightly when informed she is the home’s Employee of the Month for July 2022.

“I’m a little shocked; I wasn’t expecting it,” she says happily.

A Registered Practical Nurse at the home since September 2021, Kailey enjoys her job providing health care to 104 residents.

“Kailey is always friendly with staff, residents, and family,” says Assistant Director of Care, Melissa Locke. “You will never find her without a smile, and she is always willing to help anyway she can.”

Pleased with the feedback, Kailey notes, “I am enjoying it (the work). I love caring for people.”

Before joining the team of health care professionals at the popular long-term care home, Kailey worked in home care for five years.

“It’s definitely a different environment here,” she explains. “I have found everyone works really well together as a team.”

Kailey graduated as a nurse from the Brockville campus of St. Lawrence College. She always wanted to work in health care.


When she’s not at work, she can be found spending time with family and friends or walking and reading.

“I just took a spontaneous day off and went to Ottawa to see my best friend,” she says with a smile. “In the summer, I like to spend time with family at the cottage on Long Lake.”

Asked about her goals, she replies quickly, “I’m trying to save-up enough money to buy my own house.”

Questions for Kailey

If you could rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

“I’d lower the cost of living and lower gas prices.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

“I’d like to be mind reader.”

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?

“Probably still something in health care.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Kailey Wemp. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-384-4585.

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