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Amherstview woman recognized for good work
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Amherstview woman recognized for good work Featured

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A Residential Aide at Helen Henderson Retirement Lodge has been named the home’s Employee of the Month for August.

Smiling from the popular home in mid-July 2022, Sarah Lamothe admits she is happy and excited to win the workplace award.

“I love it here,” she says, happily, referring to her work caring for approximately 70 residents in the lodge. “I love the residents; every day is different. I like the family atmosphere and the consistency.”

A resident of Amherstview with two young children, the 29-year-old is currently studying to become a nurse. When she’s not in school or working, she likes to travel and find new and interesting activities for her children.

“I love spending time with my family,” she replies quickly when asked about her spare time.

Known for her easy-going nature, Sarah says she finds the home special because, “Everything we do is appreciated. It’s very welcoming, here. I’ve made a lot of friends.”

Sarah’s father served in the military, and she moved around quite a bit when she was younger. She has worked at Helen Henderson Retirement Lodge since 2021. She hopes to work at the home as a Registered Nurse when she’s finished school.

“I would come back here to work in a minute,” the young woman confirms.


Speaking for the home, Lodge Manager Erin Woodcox notes, “Sarah is a hard worker and always willing to jump in where needed. She is a great asset to the retirement home and very deserving of this award.”

Asked to describe herself, Sarah says with a smile, “Outgoing. I’m always trying to help people and find solutions to problems. I’m very caring when it comes to people.”

Questions for Sarah

If you could rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

“I’d make the cost of living more affordable.

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?

“I’d probably be a police officer.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

“I’d like the ability to be in two places at once. I love my job, but I wish I could be home at the same time.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Sarah Lamothe, Residential Aide. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-384-4585.

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