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PSW wins workplace award
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PSW wins workplace award Featured

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Ashley Joyce is a hardworking Personal Support Worker who cares deeply about the world around her.

A staff member at Helen Henderson Care Centre in Amherstview for the past 21 years, Ashley assists 104 residents in long-term care. Grateful for her helpful nature and positive attitude, the popular home named the 38-year-old its Employee of the Month for September 2022.

“Ashley is a very caring and compassionate PSW,” says Melissa Locke, Assistant Director of Care. “She takes the time to make the moments count and make our residents feel special. It’s heartwarming to see her make them the centre of attention, especially in their time of need.”

Speaking from her home in mid-August, Ashley admits, “I love my job. I really enjoy helping people. I like to make them laugh and make their day better.”

Devoted to her children: a 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son, Ashley and her family live in Amherstview.

“I started here as a student and never left,” she says with a smile.

Asked to describe herself, she replies, “I don’t like to toot my own horn. I like to think I’m caring, friendly and helpful. I always try to help where I can and be part of the team. I come to work and do the best I can. I try to be helpful which is the best I can hope for at the end of the day.”

As for her future, Ashley admits she likes her work and doesn’t have any plans to change careers.


“I thought about becoming a nurse,” she explains, “but I like being a PSW because it allows you to build a better relationship because of the one-on-one time with the people you assist. It’s a family bond.”

When she’s not at work, Ashley likes to spend time with her children and in her garden.

She says she never expected to win a workplace award and it’s a pleasant surprise.

“Everyone should win this because it’s nice to feel appreciated,” she says kindly. “Everyone brings something different to the table and we work as a team. Everyone should be recognized for their strengths.”

Questions for Ashley

If you could rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

“I don’t think I’d want to rule the world. I don’t think any one person should have that power over anyone because too much power goes to people’s heads.”

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?

“I have always wanted to open a little retirement home of my own.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

“I wouldn’t pick any. I’m a firm believer that everyone has their own superpower. It’s whether you choose to use it.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Ashley Joyce. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-384-4585.

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