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Family member praises good work of PSW
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Family member praises good work of PSW Featured

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A Personal Support Worker at Carveth Care Centre has won her second workplace award in less than five years.

“Debbie Hoadley goes above and beyond in delivering care to my mother and showing respect for her and her caregivers, always with a friendly greeting,” explains Peter Waycik, the family member who nominated her for Employee of the Month for November 2022.

The award now recognizes a staff member who support residents’ rights. Debbie is the first staff member to be nominated by a family member.

“I noted that when Debbie was responsible for my mother's care, she would go so far as to set an alarm to make sure my mother got a drink between meals,” explains Peter, kindly.

Debbie has worked at Carveth Care Centre for approximately seven years. She is known for her dedication and professionalism. Peter is a regular visitor to the home.

“Debbie is always respectful when delivering care, talking to my mother even though she doesn't usually reply, and letting her know what care is being provided,” says Peter.

“She obviously values the role of family caregivers in any interaction I've had with her. It is too bad that there aren't more Debbies around.”


Speaking on behalf of the home, Assistant Director of Care Lynn Vereecken notes, “Debbie comes to Carveth with a positive attitude and ready to work. Her priority is the care of the residents. She takes the time to listen to them and meet their needs. She is always available to help us when we are short-staffed.”

“I’ll do anything,” says Debbie about her role at the accredited long-term care home in Gananoque. “But I like to work in the background. I do what I do because I love what I do. I like being on the floor, working with the residents.”

Smiling brightly, the 54-year-old mother of three travels from Kingston to provide health care to residents of Gananoque.

“I love my job,” says Debbie quickly, when asked about her work. “I love it just as much as the day I started. The residents are awesome.”

Carveth Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Debbie Hoadley. To learn more about living or working here, please call 613-382-4752.

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