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PSW retires after 33 years
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PSW retires after 33 years Featured

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Cathy Webster has seen a lot of changes in her 33-year career as a health-care provider.

Since she started as a Personal Support Worker at Carveth Care Centre in March 1989, health care has evolved to be more personalized and individualized, supply chains are more strategic and agile, and the workforce is more diverse.

Speaking from her house around the corner from the popular retirement lodge and long-term care home in Gananoque, the 64-year-old says with a smile over a cup of tea, “I had a good career at Carveth. I learned a lot and I’ll miss the staff and residents. One person I’ll miss the most is Jeanette who trained and mentored me when I started working at the home. I appreciated her help and we’ve become good friends. She’s helped me a lot through life.”

Cathy ended her work at Carveth in December 2022. Her favourite part of the job was interacting with the residents.

“It’s important to know them,” she says wisely.

Although she likes working with the elderly, Cathy admits her work as a Personal Support Worker was both physically and emotionally demanding.

“PSW is not an easy job,” she explains. “Thankfully, at Carveth, everyone tries to help each other and that’s the way it should be.”


Asked about her future, the friendly woman replies, “I’m excited to start a new chapter in my life. I might pick-up a part-time job next year. For now, I don’t want to tie myself down. I like sleeping in and not having to worry about warming up a cold car.”

Cathy isn’t worried about how she’s going to fill her time in retirement. She likes to cook, read, shop, and solve puzzles. She also plans to spend time with her family, finish renovating her living room and travel to Myrtle Beach.

“It seemed to take forever to reach retirement age,” she says with a laugh. “Now that I’m here, I can do what I want to do.”

Speaking on behalf of the home, Administrator Brett Gibson notes, “I have known Cathy for most of my life. Her son, David, and I would come to Carveth as kids (after school) and wait for our parents to be done work. All these years later, working with her is a true testament to her commitment to Carveth.  Enjoy your retirement, Cathy! Thank-you for all your years of service. You were one of the best.”

Carveth Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Cathy Webster these past 33 years. We wish her the best in retirement and can’t wait to see her return for cake with the residents on Jan. 6. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-382-4752.

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