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Nursing student wins first workplace award
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Nursing student wins first workplace award Featured

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A young nursing student has won her first workplace award at a long-term care (LTC) home in Gananoque.

“This is my first job in health care and I’m really enjoying it,” says Abbey Kellar with a smile when informed she is the Employee of the Month for July 2023 at Carveth Care Centre. “I love working with the residents and providing their care. I enjoy seeing them and hearing their stories.”

This is the 20-year-old’s second summer assisting LTC residents as a Personal Support Worker (PSW). This September, she enters her fourth, and last, year at the University of Ottawa for Registered Nursing.

Speaking on behalf of the home, Assistant Director of Care Trish Hornbeck, notes, “Abbey is a compassionate, caring and a valued member of our team; she is well deserving of this recognition. Abbey’s friendly, and calm demeaner, along with her dedication and hard work, make her a great asset to the Carveth family.  We are fortunate to have her bubbly personality during the summer months and breaks from school.”

Abbey smiles at the feedback and admits she returned for a second summer because of the friendly environment.

“One of the reasons I returned is because I feel appreciated,” she says, kindly.

Abbey says she is grateful for the experience as a PSW because it will make her a better nurse.

“They deserve a lot of respect,” she says earnestly. “They do a lot of the dirty work.”

When she’s not at work, Abbey likes to spend time by the water. Born and raised in Gananoque, she appreciates the majestic St. Lawrence River.

“When I’m not at work, I like to relax by the water. I enjoy cottage time,” she explains.

Asked to describe herself, she replies, “I like to think I’m easy going. I’m just happy to be here.”


Questions for Abbey

If you would rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

“I’d establish world peace.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

“The ability to fly.”

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?


Carveth Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Abbey Kellar. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-382-4752.

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