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Amherstview husband and wife share award for exemplifying kindness and compassion
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Amherstview husband and wife share award for exemplifying kindness and compassion Featured

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For the first time since Helen Henderson Care Centre opened more than 40 years ago, a husband and wife are sharing a workplace award for providing excellent care to residents in the long-term care home.

Speaking from the popular home in Amherstview in late June 2023, Mary Tumalom and Aljon Balbido smile at the news they are sharing the Employee of the Month award for July 2023.

“It’s shocking and surprising,” says Aljon with a laugh.

“We didn’t expect it,” adds Mary. “We’re just doing our best. The staff is great to us. That’s why it’s been so easy to adjust, the people here are lovely.”

The two 30-year-olds moved to Canada from the Philippines in August 2022 and started working at the home as Personal Support Workers in September of that year. They are both trained Registered Nurses who are seeking their nursing qualifications in Canada.

Married for one-year, the two health care professionals have been a popular duo since they joined the workforce more than eight months ago.

“I love it here, the people and the residents are great,” says Mary when asked about her job providing frontline health care to 104 residents. “The people are nice. They treat each other like family.”

Speaking on behalf of the home, Director of Care Sue Reynolds notes, “Mary and Aljon are a welcome addition to the workforce at Helen Henderson Care Centre. They arrived with big smiles and the most amazing positivity. Their kindness and compassion are evident through every interaction with residents and coworkers. We are grateful to have them here and our residents are fortunate to benefit from the amazing care they provide every shift.”

Known for their kindness and compassion towards others, the couple lives in Amherstview where they appreciate the beauty of Lake Ontario.


When they’re not at work, Aljon studies for school and plays the piano. Mary spends a lot of time calling family in the Philippines.

Asked to describe herself, Mary replies, “I’m a loving person. If I want something, I work hard for it. I don’t give up easily.”

Aljon notes, “I go with the flow. I’m hardworking, kind, and easygoing.”

Questions for Mary and Aljon

If you could rule the world, what would you do on day-one?

Mary: “I’d ensure everyone has access to quality health care.”

Aljon: “I’d seek equity for all, no racism.”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Mary: “I would like to be like our parents who have sacrificed a lot for us. They have strength and do good for the family. “

Aljon: “I’d fix climate change. It’s been hard for us in the Philippines with typhoons and cyclones.”

If you weren’t at your current job, what would you be doing?

Mary: “I’d still want to help people.”

Aljon: “I would want a position in nursing. We love helping people.”

Helen Henderson Care Centre is grateful for the loving nature of Mary and Aljon. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-384-4585.

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