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Director of Care Shelley Bender: 613-382-4752 ext.103 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Owner/Operator/Administrator Brett Gibson: 613-382-4752 ext.102 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Infection Prevention & Control Lead Trish Hornbeck: 613-382-4752 ext.108 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exemplary Level Accreditation for Carveth
Dietary Aide recognized for good work
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Dietary Aide recognized for good work

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For Brittany Turner, work is a family affair.

Speaking from Carveth Care Centre where she has worked since high school, the 24-year-old Dietary Aide smiles often when talking about the popular nursing home and her coworkers.

“I really, really like it. I always have. It’s kind of like home here,” says Brittany. “I work with my sister and best friend. Both of my grandmothers worked here, and my grandfather helped the Wheels of Care.”

Speaking from the accredited long-term care home a few days before Christmas, Brittany admits, “I feel comfortable here. Everyone is friendly to each other. I like it how everyone works together as a team.”

Known for her strong work ethic and friendly demeanour, Brittany was chosen by residents and staff as the Staff Spotlight for January.

“I don’t know if I necessarily deserve it,” she says with honesty when informed of the recognition.

Speaking on behalf of the home, Food Service Nutrition Manager Theresa Running notes, “Brittany is reliable, dedicated and trying to make a difference. She helps the home through her attentive work and willingness to train new staff. She also fills in occasionally for the cooks. We appreciate her time and talent.”

A proud home-owner in Gananoque, Brittany enjoys every aspect of her busy job to prepare and serve meals to 104 residents.

“I fill in where necessary,” she says kindly.

When she’s not at work, Brittany enjoys fishing with her boyfriend and spending time with her friends.

“I like being outside,” she confirms. “I also like staying at home.”

Looking ahead, Brittany hopes to have a family one-day and possibly advance in her career.

“I like to stay here and move-up; possibly further my education,” she explains.

She pauses when asked to describe herself.

“I’m pretty funny sometimes,” she says with a grin. “I tend to laugh at my own jokes.”

Questions for Brittany:

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Invisibility so I can sneak-up on Pat.

If you could rule the world, what would you do on Day One?

I would cure cancer.

What would you like to do if you weren’t at your current job?

I’d be a surgeon or something like that. A heart surgeon, something intense.


Carveth Care Centre is grateful for the good work of Brittany Turner. To learn more about living or working in our home, please call 613-382-4752.

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