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For more information about our home, please contact:
Director of Care Shelley Bender: 613-382-4752 ext.103 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Owner/Operator/Administrator Brett Gibson: 613-382-4752 ext.102 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Infection Prevention & Control Lead Trish Hornbeck: 613-382-4752 ext.108 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Residents of long-term care home make social impact
Carveth News Read 681 times

Residents of long-term care home make social impact

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A group of seniors in Gananoque is bridging the generation gap by helping children stay warm in the winter and feeding hungry families.

The seniors are members of the Carveth Care Centre Residents’ Council, a long-term care home in the heart of the Thousand Islands.

Every year, the group gives money to the Alzheimer’s Society of Leeds and Grenville, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Gananoque Humane Society, Sheba’s Haven, Gananoque Wheels of Care, Terry Fox Run, Legion Poppy Fund, Food Bank and Salvation Army.

Near the end of 2018, the seniors also purchased snowsuits for children attending a nearby school.

“Carveth Residents’ Council does remarkable work at our home and in our community,” says Brett Gibson, Administrator. “In addition to supporting a lot of great causes, the council provides valuable feedback on how we can do better and be better. We are extremely grateful for their efforts to improve the quality of life for others.”

The council raises money through fundraisers such as an annual strawberry social, bake sales, denim days, popcorn sales, fish fry and Christmas bazaar.

“Residents’ Council also represents the home by attending ribbon cutting ceremonies, Remembrance Day services and community fundraisers and walks,” says Shannon Buell, Activation Director.  “They’re excellent ambassadors for Carveth Care Centre because they care deeply about the health and wellbeing of the people around them.”

Speaking on behalf of the council, President Kay Garland notes, “We may be old, but we’re still part of the community. We’re getting benefits from the community and I think it’s important that we give back.”

Carveth Care Centre is proud of the work of Residents’ Council. To learn more about living or working here, please call 613-382-4752.

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